Tuesday, April 7, 2009


God wants to be with us.

Even when things aren't all happy and are bad.

Have I not commanded you? Be Strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

And when things get tough, God wants us to go to Him.

"its not easy... its just reminding ourselves in the midst of feeling alone.. that God completely knows what your feeling and going through... and lately God has been teaching me that.... he is God over my feelings too. over my emotions even....and learning how to surrender even my feelings to him and rely on him in the super happy moments...and the low moments knowing he is sovereign. yeah...I know... and it is hard....especially when we feel its too much to handle or bare... but thats why it is so important that we go to God... cause he reminds us of the truth....because our feelings can make us forget... we totally rely on our feelings so much... we forget that God will not let us go through more than we can bare.. we wants so badly for us to cling to him to ask him for things.... to neeeeed him" - my friend <3

And God puts friends in our lives to bring us back to Him.

A friend loves at all times
Proverbs 17:17

Tonight I think I just crashed. Someone once told me that Satan attacks those of us who are a threat to him. I can't believe I let him get me, but then again I can. Thankfully our God is so powerful, we won't stay down. Talking to my friend tonight and thinking about my struggles and periods of lowness with Alcohol and trying to save him from it was tough, God. But I know that it's not solely up to me to keep him away from obstacles from God. We learn on our own and we learn how to lean on God. But then right after that talking to my family, and just feeling angry towards our family situation and troubles and not being able to do anything but help just felt worse. I felt angry at life for making me sad and helpless. I felt alone for not knowing who to go to about it. I should've went straight to God but it's so easy to not open my Bible when I know it has answers in it and words from God, who already knows what we are feeling and going through in our lives. But thank God for friends who just led me back to Him and reminded me of how GREAT HE IS. and how He wants us to go to Him. If I let the Holy spirit lead me tonight I would have just listened to my sister talk about my family at home and bring it to God and pray about it instead of getting angry and yelling with her for being angry as well. If only, but I was reminded, wasn't i? At one point I thought to myself that I just wanted to be in Heaven already!! And that I hate when things are tough. But God still has a purpose for us in this life. Reminder: God is everything to me.


  1. The more struggles you go through, the stronger person you become.
    As crazy as it sounds, we should be happy when God puts us in hard situations because in the end it will all be worth it!

  2. Its definitely hard to remember to praise God in happy times and turn to Him in hard times. I have been so stressed sometimes that I forget to turn to Him and I turn to the human world, which cannot compare to His world. If we just remember to let Him take our burdens, then the world will be a better place for everyone!
