Monday, February 23, 2009

Blessed Night

Tonight, I reaped from God's love for me.

This is an e-mail I sent my campus ministry leader a bit ago tonight...

"=) . Thank you for your email at the most perfect time.

I was waiting for one back but then when i got the facebook message just figured that was it.
Can I just share with you how blessed I feel tonight? And amazed and in love with God?

(I don't know how I'm so open, especially in these e-mails, I just thank you for actually reading them and letting me be open.)

I just had a Bible study with Erin, one of my roomies from last year, and Brian and Rick! =) Brian, Nina (my other roomie from last year) and I got together to do Bible in an hour with Rick 2 weeks ago. Then we decided to meet every monday. Nina hasn't come since because she says she is scared of talking about her feelings. Tonight, I invited Erin on a whim and she wanted to come! Erin wants to come back to hang out with us next monday too! And also, tonight Kelly called me and she was really upset about her parents telling her over and over again that cru has been brainwashing her. So, i got to pray for her on the phone and talk to her for a little bit. I actually got to say before we hung up, "Can I pray for you Kelly?" Then i get your email about being able to go to big break with what little money I have to hold. And then I think about how I'm going to be roommates with Abby next year!!! And I feel so blessed right now. =)

I'm just going to keep praying about life. =)

Have a great night Ryan, I'm going to register now! I can't wait!!
Thank you for having faith that God will provide no matter what. It encourages me to do the same.


Thank you to those who have invested in me and others or anyone!
I am so grateful.

Tracy, my discipler once told me, "It will get easier, I promise"
And I never couldve imagined believing her.

I now do. =)

Goodnight world.

1 comment:

  1. you are beautiful.
    God is beautiful.
    He is doing such beautiful things with you Christina.
    beautiful beautiful beautiful!
    I'll be praying for you and everyone that attends the Bible study.

    when you're a Christian even though it does get easier, at the same time it gets even harder. but just know that God will always be there to pull you through!
